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Physiological birth

Childbirth (роды) is a normal physiological act of a woman’s life.

When the fruit is right, when the size of his head does not exceed the size of the maternal pelvis, when the first deliveries taking place in a woman is not old, but at a young age, they occur most part almost painless, or with a little soreness, which is easily a woman carries.

Physiological birth

If a woman obsessed with the fear of pain, even slightly bout it takes for the beginning of pains and preparing for something terrible, starts screaming. The next day she was unable to transmit their feelings, since forgotten about them, and her cry was just waiting for something terrible. In most cases, pain during childbirth is developing a sense of fear of childbirth, which is the result of secular education on the idea that a woman “gives birth in pain.” This view is embedded in the consciousness of a woman with a child and waiting for the meal, she was experiencing them in advance.

To get rid of the fear of childbirth, a woman should from the beginning to the end of pregnancy attending antenatal clinics. There she will tell all about the pregnancy, the physiology of childbirth, to soothe her. A woman should go to the maternity hospital with full confidence in the doctors [ru] and support staff who at the time of delivery will be with her, surrounding her with attention.

Under normal physiological labor contractions are usually transferred easily, especially if a woman in labor does not remain alone. Most pains are during the opening of the cervix, when the cervix is ??fully open, pain is significantly reduced and temporarily disappears acquire bearing-down nature of the bout. When strong contractions applied anesthesia. Methods of its many and varied. There was widespread method psychoprophylaxis anesthesia, based on the teachings of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (Иван Петрович Павлов) on the higher nervous activity.

The moment of separation of the placenta is accompanied by a feeling reiterates fight. When passing the placenta from the uterus into the vagina tighter there is a need, then there is a full selection of placenta. This delivery ends.

The child is doing the appropriate toilet and injected into the eye [ru] special drops to prevent the development of infection. On the remains of the umbilical cord bandage.

The postpartum period is about 6 weeks. During this time, all the changes in the mother’s body caused by pregnancy and childbirth, gradually disappear. The uterus shrinks in size, reaching a normal level by the end of the 6th week.

Along with the reduction of the inner surface of the healing takes place and recovery of the uterus mucous membrane, which is accompanied by the release of lochia. In the first days after birth release are bloody, they gradually replaced sukrovichnymi that continues 3-4 days, and finally acquired a whitish color. In the postpartum period there are changes in other organs of the reproductive system of women. Gradually restored the elasticity of ligaments and muscles of the perineum, vagina narrows. Along with the processes of involution developing excretory function of the mammary glands. They swell and stiffen. Isolation of the milk usually starts on day 3-4 after birth.

In the postpartum period, especially in the early days, she feels tired, needs rest and sleep. Often in the first days after birth observed urinary retention, tendency to constipation, but this is a temporary phenomenon and will soon pass.

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