Tag: disease

Ophthalmia – a description of the disease

Ophthalmia (the word comes from the Greek bl?nnos – mucus and rh?? – current, hereinafter – “O.”) – an acute purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva), eye, caused by gonococcus.


There are 2 forms of ophthalmia: newborns and adults. Infection in most cases, neonatal ophthalmia occurs during the passage of the fetal head through the birth canal of the mother with gonorrhea. O. appears on 2 – 3rd day of life and is characterized by a very strong first edema of both eyelids after 2 – 3 days begins copious pus. In severe cases, the process may be involved in the cornea, formed ulcer healing scar and leave a thorn. In some cases, the disease leads to blindness.– Далее –

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Anemia in children

Anemic infants most often develops on the basis of digestive disorders, overfeeding and too prolonged milk feeding. Cure this deficiency anemia can be achieved by limiting the dairy regime. Less milk, more grains and beans, more iron-rich than milk – these are the basic principles in the treatment of anemia in infants.

Anemia in children

If the child is breast-fed, the number of feedings should be resolved, following at least a 3-hour intervals, beginning at 10 months of feeding of gruel or soup 1 per day.

If the baby is bottle-fed, it should be avoided overfeeding milk, give no more than 150 ml of milk every 3 hours.

Useful salty warm baths, warm perfusion.

How can you spend more time outdoors.

Anemia – a description of the disease

Anemia (derived from the Greek an – negative particle and h?ima – blood, hereinafter – “A.”) – is anemia, a group of disease[ru] characterized by reduced hemoglobin content in red blood cells (dye blood carries oxygen), the number of red blood cells per unit volume human blood given gender and age, and the total weight of blood in the human body. A number of causes painful changes due to impaired supply of oxygen. The intensity of these symptoms depends on the degree of anemia and on the speed of its development.


The most important general symptoms of anemia – fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, tendency to faint. A. caused by three main factors: blood loss, impaired hematopoiesis, and increased kroverazrushenie.

A. associated with acute blood loss develops with wounds, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, nasal, uterine, less renal hemorrhage. A. At this suddenly appear sharp pallor, dizziness, tinnitus, thirst. It will not be life-threatening conditions, one should immediately stop bleeding that often requires surgical intervention, use styptics, blood transfusions.– Далее –

Characteristics of the disease in preterm infants

Premature babies, especially in the first months of life, the disease occur originally. Symptoms of many diseases [ru] and fuzzy weakly expressed at normal temperature. If you have a premature baby fever, the reason for this we must first seek to overheating. Since immunity in premature infants sharply reduced, the various diseases they may take a protracted course, complicated by septic phenomena.

Disease in preterm infants

The most frequent diseases in these children in the first months of life are the flu, ear infection, pneumonia and diarrhea. In the first days of life, premature infants are particularly susceptible to the intracranial and spinal bleeding, as well as bleeding in the lungs, skin, adrenal glands, etc. Particular care should be protected from influenza. At a time of influenza epidemics to the child[ru] can be approached only in the mask or gauze bandage. If the mother is sick with influenza, the child should be fed expressed breast milk, and after recovery feeding mother should wear a mask.– Далее –

Disease – description level of health

Disease (болезнь) – a process that occurs as a result of effects on the malicious (emergency) stimulus external or internal environment, characterized by reduced adaptability of the living organism to the environment with simultaneous mobilization of its defenses. The disease manifests itself disequilibrium with the environment, are expressed in the occurrence of side (inadequate) reactions and a man – a decline to the illness of his disability.


The development of a common understanding of disease changed over the history of medicine. The ancient Greek physician and reformer of ancient medicine Hippocrates cause of the disease is considered misuse of mixing four basic body fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile (venous blood). Around the same time, based on the atomistic theory of ancient Greek materialist philosopher Democritus, the idea arose that the disease develops as a result of changes in the shape of atoms and their incorrect arrangement. At the end of the old and the beginning of a new era, and especially in the Middle Ages, idealistic views on the doctrine of the disease, according to which the soul or a special kind of life force (“Archean”), defines the struggle of the body to changes caused by boleznfmi.– Далее –