Category: Thesaurus

Description of terms, articles about the importance of a concept


Life (жизнь) (hereinafter referred to as “L.”) is the highest compared to the physical and chemical form of existence of matter, arises under certain conditions in the process of its development. Living objects differ from nonliving metabolism — a prerequisite L., ability to reproduction, growth, active regulation of its composition and functions, to various forms of movement, irritability, adaptability to environment, etc.


However, strictly scientific differentiation of living and nonliving meets certain difficulties items. So, there is still no consensus about whether human viruses that are outside cells of the host organism does not possess any of the attributes of the living: in the virus particle at this time there are no metabolic processes, it is not able to reproduce, etc.

The specificity of living things and life processes can be described as aspect of their financial structure and key features, underlying all manifestations of L. the Most accurate definition of life, embracing simultaneously both of these approaches to the problem, given about 100 years ago, the German philosopher, thinker and public figure, founder of Marxism Friedrich Engels: “Life is the mode of existence of protein bodies, and this method of existence consists essentially in a constant renewal of the chemical component parts of these bodies” (K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 20, p. 82). The term “protein” had not yet been determined quite accurately and it is usually attributed to the protoplasm as a whole.– Далее –

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Heart (this article is in Russian[ru] – сердце) – the central organ of the circulatory system in animals and humans, forcing blood into the arterial system and ensuring its movement through the vessels.

Circulatory system by cells and tissues of the body supplied with nutrients and oxygen, and removed from the products of metabolism. Therefore, the circulatory system is sometimes called the transport or distribution, system.

In humans, the heart is located in the thoracic cavity asymmetrically: 1/3 it is the right of the median plane of the body, 2/3 – on the left. The base of the heart facing up, back and to the right; tip – down, forward and to the left.


The rear surface of the heart adjacent to the diaphragm. Since it is surrounded on all sides with light, except for the front surface immediately adjacent to the chest wall (Fig. 1):– Далее –


Health (здоровье) – is the natural state of the body, is characterized by its steadiness to the environment and the lack of any pathological changes.

Human health is determined by a complex biological (genetic and acquired) and social factors; the past are so important in maintaining health or to the origin and development of the disease that the preamble of the Charter of the World Health Organization says: “Health – a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” However, such a broad sociological definition of health is somewhat controversial, as the social usefulness of a person does not always coincide with his biological condition.

Health - description of the state of the organism

In general, the concept of health is somewhat arbitrary and objectively established jointly anthropometric, clinical, physiological and biochemical parameters determined by taking into account gender, age factors, as well as climatic and geographical conditions.

Health should be characterized not only qualitatively but also quantitatively, as there is a concept of its extent, determined by the breadth of adaptation (adaptive) of the body. Although health is a state opposite to the disease[ru], it may be associated with it various transition states and not have clear boundaries.– Далее –

Eye – a description of the body

Eye (глаз) – an organ of perception of light stimulation in some invertebrates (in particular, cephalopods), all vertebrates and humans. Most invertebrates function of the eye are less complex organs of vision, such as compound eyes. In vertebrates, the eye pair, are located in their sockets of the skull – and orbits consist of your own eyes or eyeballs, connected through the optic nerve to the brain, eyes and paranasal parts: age (see. the lids), lacrimal apparatus and eye-motor muscles. All vertebrates have a common type of eye structure.

Eye - a description of the body

The structure of the eye

The eyeball has a spherical shape. The central point of the front surface of the eye called the anterior pole, a point located on the rear surface, in the place of origin of the optic nerve – the posterior pole. The line connecting the poles of the eye is taken for an anatomical axis, it coincides with the geometrical axis. In the front, facing the light of the eye is located diopter (light-refracting) apparatus (refractive media system, which includes the cornea (See. The cornea), a transparent lenticular lens – the lens, aqueous humor and filling the cavity of the eye vitreous, as well as serving to accommodate the ciliary body and iris, or the iris), transmitting the image on a photosensitive retina (See. Retin-A), or retina.– Далее –


The doctor (this article is in Russia[ru]врач) — a person with completed higher medical education (except dentists with secondary medical education) or higher veterinary education.

(Article from the Russian “Great Soviet Encyclopedia”, punctuation in the original):

Physicians are trained medical school. Persons who have graduated from foreign medical school, physicians have the right to work in the USSR after the state examinations and examinations for those courses that are not taught in foreign schools. Persons who have experience of medical work, as well as persons with a scientific degree are admitted to medical work by special permission of the Ministry of Health [ru] (no exams).


Activities of physicians in a socialist state consists of curative and preventive work aimed at improving the environment, working and living conditions of the population. The doctor is guided by medical ethics, which includes the concept of the physician’s duty. Working in a hospital, the doctor must maintain patient confidentiality. It is the duty of the doctor – first aid. Soviet legislation criminalizes the failure to assist a patient unexcused persons obliged to provide such assistance under the law (the RSFSR Criminal Code, Art. 128). If the person did not have a medical staff necessary patient care in the performance of their duties, they are held accountable both for malfeasance. Doctors involved also in private practice, are required to register in a special book an overview of the patients, as well as all-purpose and manufactured manipulation.– Далее –

Ophthalmia – a description of the disease

Ophthalmia (the word comes from the Greek bl?nnos – mucus and rh?? – current, hereinafter – “O.”) – an acute purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva), eye, caused by gonococcus.


There are 2 forms of ophthalmia: newborns and adults. Infection in most cases, neonatal ophthalmia occurs during the passage of the fetal head through the birth canal of the mother with gonorrhea. O. appears on 2 – 3rd day of life and is characterized by a very strong first edema of both eyelids after 2 – 3 days begins copious pus. In severe cases, the process may be involved in the cornea, formed ulcer healing scar and leave a thorn. In some cases, the disease leads to blindness.– Далее –

Anemia – a description of the disease

Anemia (derived from the Greek an – negative particle and h?ima – blood, hereinafter – “A.”) – is anemia, a group of disease[ru] characterized by reduced hemoglobin content in red blood cells (dye blood carries oxygen), the number of red blood cells per unit volume human blood given gender and age, and the total weight of blood in the human body. A number of causes painful changes due to impaired supply of oxygen. The intensity of these symptoms depends on the degree of anemia and on the speed of its development.


The most important general symptoms of anemia – fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, tendency to faint. A. caused by three main factors: blood loss, impaired hematopoiesis, and increased kroverazrushenie.

A. associated with acute blood loss develops with wounds, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, nasal, uterine, less renal hemorrhage. A. At this suddenly appear sharp pallor, dizziness, tinnitus, thirst. It will not be life-threatening conditions, one should immediately stop bleeding that often requires surgical intervention, use styptics, blood transfusions.– Далее –

Disease – description level of health

Disease (болезнь) – a process that occurs as a result of effects on the malicious (emergency) stimulus external or internal environment, characterized by reduced adaptability of the living organism to the environment with simultaneous mobilization of its defenses. The disease manifests itself disequilibrium with the environment, are expressed in the occurrence of side (inadequate) reactions and a man – a decline to the illness of his disability.


The development of a common understanding of disease changed over the history of medicine. The ancient Greek physician and reformer of ancient medicine Hippocrates cause of the disease is considered misuse of mixing four basic body fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile (venous blood). Around the same time, based on the atomistic theory of ancient Greek materialist philosopher Democritus, the idea arose that the disease develops as a result of changes in the shape of atoms and their incorrect arrangement. At the end of the old and the beginning of a new era, and especially in the Middle Ages, idealistic views on the doctrine of the disease, according to which the soul or a special kind of life force (“Archean”), defines the struggle of the body to changes caused by boleznfmi.– Далее –

Skin – description outer integument

Skin (hereinafter – the “S.”) (article in Russian[ru] – “кожа“) – is the outer covering of the body of animals and humans, exercising functions of defense against external influences, as well as touch, metabolism (including gas exchange), excretion, sometimes thermoregulation. S. prevents penetration into the internal environment of microorganisms, toxins, mechanical damage, takes mechanical, thermal and painful effects, defines animal coloring, highlights odorous, toxic or nutritional substances serving signals in security or rearing of offspring.


The skin consists of an outer (epithelial) and internal (connective tissue) layers separated by a basal membrane and often forming numerous derivatives (see Fig. 1, 2, 3).– Далее –