Tag: child

Feeding preterm infants

Feeding preterm infants in the neonatal period is critical. This task is quite difficult, because these children[ru] reduced tolerance to food. In addition, infants with severe prematurity are not only unable to take the breast, but also to suck from a bottle or pipette due to the immaturity of the sucking reflex. The difficulty lies in the fact that, along with low stamina to food there is an increased need for it. Such a child with an initial weight of 1800 g doubles its weight to 3 months, and 6 months to triple it. The rapid growth of these children require a lot more protein and minerals.

Feeding preterm

If the child takes the breast, it is applied to the chest. Since children tire quickly sucking, they should be applied to the chest of 3 to 5 times a day, then finish feeding with expressed breast milk from a bottle with a spoon, a pipette. If a child can not suck, then it is fed with a spoon, a pipette or a catheter, which should be entered only through the mouth 6-7 times a day. At ‘feeding a premature baby should gradually move from one mode to the other, more natural, from spoons to the pipette, and then to the dummy. When you see a good sucking movements can be applied to the child’s chest.– Далее –

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Clothes of the child on the first year of a life

The clothes of the child[ru] on the first year of a life should correspond not only to its growth, but also other physical data. For babies of the first months of a life diapers cotton (15-20 pieces) and flannel (5-6 pieces), gauze diapers (15-20 pieces) are necessary Some easy and flannel baby’s undershirts and in a smaller measure — kerchiefs and caps. From second month of a life the child requires toddlers (better with shoulder straps) which put on during wakefulness over a jacket used instead of a warm baby’s undershirt. It is very important not to muffle up the kid.

Baby clothing in 1 year

Houses at temperature 20-22 °С are not necessary to it a woollen cap, warm knitted jackets. If to the kid it is cold — his face turns pale, he starts to cry, when to it hot — integuments redden. It is possible to judge its condition more precisely, having felt a skin of a neck and arms above brushes. In a cold season of the child of the first months of a life for walk in the street or a dream on a balcony turn in cotton a blanket and, having put on a head a warm hat, put in a warm quilted envelope with which it is possible to replace with a blanket.– Далее –

Development of the child from 1st till 12 months

In the end of 1st and in the beginning of 2nd month at the child conditioned reflexes start to be formed. It means that the cortex of a brain starts to ripen and sense organs are differentiated.

Formation of conditioned reflexes at children[ru] is bound exclusively with medium surrounding them, a regimen, care of them. As at the child of a cell of a cortex of a brain are developed insufficiently again formed reflexes at it are fragile and easily die away under the influence of strong stimuluses. If the child gets to an unusual situation for it it quite often loses the got skills. Unusual borings and impressions cause an excessive boring of a cortex of a brain and diffusion of this boring that is expressed in anxiety of the child, whims, crying, cry or block, slackness and drowsiness.

Development of the child

The newborn child almost all time sleeps. It is absolutely helpless, does not hold a head, not in a condition to change position of the body, randomly moves arms and feet. To the beginning of 2nd month the child starts to smile, look after bright, large subjects. In process of development of the central nervous system and a musculation the child from 5-6 weeks starts to hold a head, and by 2 months holds it already well and, laying on a back, can lift it, in position on a stomach watches moving subjects and turns behind them a head. At this time the child starts to react on pull, a smile and conversation — briskly moves, smiles.– Далее –