Tag: premature

Characteristics of the disease in preterm infants

Premature babies, especially in the first months of life, the disease occur originally. Symptoms of many diseases [ru] and fuzzy weakly expressed at normal temperature. If you have a premature baby fever, the reason for this we must first seek to overheating. Since immunity in premature infants sharply reduced, the various diseases they may take a protracted course, complicated by septic phenomena.

Disease in preterm infants

The most frequent diseases in these children in the first months of life are the flu, ear infection, pneumonia and diarrhea. In the first days of life, premature infants are particularly susceptible to the intracranial and spinal bleeding, as well as bleeding in the lungs, skin, adrenal glands, etc. Particular care should be protected from influenza. At a time of influenza epidemics to the child[ru] can be approached only in the mask or gauze bandage. If the mother is sick with influenza, the child should be fed expressed breast milk, and after recovery feeding mother should wear a mask.– Далее –

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Feeding preterm infants

Feeding preterm infants in the neonatal period is critical. This task is quite difficult, because these children[ru] reduced tolerance to food. In addition, infants with severe prematurity are not only unable to take the breast, but also to suck from a bottle or pipette due to the immaturity of the sucking reflex. The difficulty lies in the fact that, along with low stamina to food there is an increased need for it. Such a child with an initial weight of 1800 g doubles its weight to 3 months, and 6 months to triple it. The rapid growth of these children require a lot more protein and minerals.

Feeding preterm

If the child takes the breast, it is applied to the chest. Since children tire quickly sucking, they should be applied to the chest of 3 to 5 times a day, then finish feeding with expressed breast milk from a bottle with a spoon, a pipette. If a child can not suck, then it is fed with a spoon, a pipette or a catheter, which should be entered only through the mouth 6-7 times a day. At ‘feeding a premature baby should gradually move from one mode to the other, more natural, from spoons to the pipette, and then to the dummy. When you see a good sucking movements can be applied to the child’s chest.– Далее –

Caring for premature babies

Environmental conditions and proper maintenance are important in preserving life premature baby. When properly organized care premature infants in the first days of life is well developed, and by the end of the first year of their weight increased by 5-7 times. First we need to monitor the condition of the premises in which the premature infant. Floor should be cleaned 3-4 times a day, room air 5-7 times. Under no circumstances should there be in a room where the new-born adults with symptoms of influenza, acute respiratory illness.

Care for premature babies

For premature infants is equally dangerous as cooling and overheating. Temperature due to overheating, a child may rise to 37-38 °C, hypothermia – lowered to 35 °C. At home, to warm the child has to use conventional heaters. Hot water bottle filled halfway with hot water, tightly closed and placed near the child from the sides and legs. They have to change every 3-4 hours. Do not put a heating pad on the chest and abdomen of the child, it is very difficult to breath.– Далее –

Premature babies

Child[ru] called premature if born before the end of fetal weight below 2500 g, and a body length of less than 45 cm Medical Statistics notes that there were many cases when it was possible to save the life of a child born weighing 900 and even 600 g.

Premature babies

With this weight and height functions of all premature infants are underdeveloped, so to extrauterine existence of a child is ill suited. Premature infants, along with general weakness broken thermotaxis. These children are equally fast temperature can rise to 40 °C or drop to 35 °C. The lower weight of the child, the more he pronounced instability of body temperature and its tendency to volatility. Breath-preterm infants surface, there is a tendency to asphyxia (suffocation). Due to the fact that the immunity of their sharply reduced, the most common disease in these children in the first months of life are respiratory tract infections.– Далее –